Fresh 中文鲜货色 reviews

专辑乐评 : 大囍事 电影原声带






原声带以陈孟奇的创作,陈孟奇的歌声为中心。翻开歌词本一看,恍然看到这一短文案:他在音乐上最具挑战性和有意义的贡献是他2007 年发行的个人专辑《永远都在》,在台湾发行引爆一阵热潮。请问编写这一串文字的人是觉得新加坡人是居住在某个乌鲁鲁岛上的居民吗?有没有在台湾引爆热潮,我们会不知道?





4首电影歌曲也就算了,原声带还加了两首 。。。伴奏。不是配乐哦,是伴奏。而且,是不插电的伴奏。真的搞不清楚,加入不插电伴奏的原因是什么? 整张原声带最可以听的就是吴庆隆老师的编曲。结果,KALA伴奏却不放入完整的编曲,放了吉他和钢琴的伴奏。要这样的伴奏,朋友们会自己弹啊。难不成这是为了要让表演者表演的时候,带着吉他上台,播着这首伴奏,让吉他“对嘴”吗?随便将那4首歌曲重新编一编,用乐器代替人声都比这个好啦!

最后,陈孟奇也很有自信的在原声带中放了自己的demo《我舍不得》。这首歌的前奏像翻版的《安静》。编曲和声音的处理“自然”到不行。现今乐坛demo 的品质真的不是这样的!不要被他骗了!我真怀疑他是不是没有听过其他创作人的demo。

还有,不好意思,这张原声带另外值得一提的,就是成功地介绍了三位新人。他们的声音,摆在合唱对手的旁边,都显得很出色。其中,Olinda Cho 的声音最令人印象深刻。


4首新歌,2 首伴奏,1首莫名其妙的demo (要价:$16.90!), 这就是《大喜事》的原声带。我不明白这是哪里支持的了本地音乐。赞助商这一步,真的是自杀。随便找范文芳或李铭顺来原声带里客串,应该会是比较聪明的策略吧。最起码大家会冲着男女主角买原声带啊!



我推荐:- 若有多余的红包钱,还是存起来吧。

BY 小番茄


  1. 至于电影..我也建议大家把红包钱存起来更划算。哈。
    版主回覆:(11/04/2010 02:56:41 AM)

  2. Crocodile selling at 16.90? Hmmm… i thot is 11.90? I-weekly states <br />
    is 11.90 lol. Or nobody buy so jialat nowadays recession then they <br />
    further reduce the price some more to 11.90? HAHA. I muz go and check <br />
    liao. If 11.90 I may grab a copy listen for fun and keep it as a "toy" <br />
    collection cd. I wander the outlet so $$$$ got budget come out OST for <br />
    this movie.. some more local made muz be v cheapskate… I think 12 <br />
    lotus OST or 881 OST is better… these ones got std and the response <br />
    is better. Hmm… maybe i go shopping during the weekends and <br />
    depending on my mood whether to but this OST. I want to c the product <br />
    1st. Heard the quality "poor" leh…
    版主回覆:(11/04/2010 02:56:41 AM)

  3. Crocodile selling at 16.90? Hmmm… i thot is 11.90? I-weekly states <br />
    is 11.90 lol. Or nobody buy so jialat nowadays recession then they <br />
    further reduce the price some more to 11.90? HAHA. I muz go and check <br />
    liao. If 11.90 I may grab a copy listen for fun and keep it as a "toy" <br />
    collection cd. I wander the outlet so $$$$ got budget come out OST for <br />
    this movie.. some more local made muz be v cheapskate… I think 12 <br />
    lotus OST or 881 OST is better… these ones got std and the response <br />
    is better. Hmm… maybe i go shopping during the weekends and <br />
    depending on my mood whether to but this OST. I want to c the product <br />
    1st. Heard the quality "poor" leh…
    版主回覆:(11/04/2010 02:56:41 AM)

  4. 我在電影院聼的曲子真的沒聼錯,真的是前奏的《安静》。我還以爲是在播《安静》。
    版主回覆:(11/04/2010 02:56:42 AM)

  5. Hmmm….I think ur review is abit too critical le lor. U think<br />
    writing a song is that easy? U are somehow trying to shoot Hagen<br />
    only ba. U are not very fair when writing this review. The OST<br />
    is not that bad as it seems to be. I think in the 1st place b4<br />
    listening, u have already given it bad marks le. It is so<br />
    obvious. So wat's the actual kind of demo u are refering to<br />
    circulating in the music industry now? Give examples la. Pls do<br />
    some soul searching. Pls write more fair reviews in future. Thx=)
    版主回覆:(11/04/2010 02:56:42 AM)

  6. 给楼上:<br />
    <br />
    我觉得如果歌手要改变人们对他那种“先入为主”的观念,就应该把自己的音乐做好,而不是在<br />
    那里拿着自己的“瑕疵品”到处乱炫耀,以为别人会照单全收。<br />
    版主回覆:(11/04/2010 02:56:42 AM)

  7. 给楼上的楼上:<br />
    <br />
    FreshMusic一直以来都不需要讨好任何歌手、任何唱片公司,所以才可以做到某隐性人所说的<br />
    “Critical”,而这本来就是乐评的宗旨。我们为什么要浪费时间去读一篇刻意讨好任何一方<br />
    的乐评呢??<br />
    <br />
    写歌容易?版主并没有这样说吧。相反的,就因为要写好歌很难,所以不应该随随便便做出歌<br />
    曲,然后以“本地人应该多支持本地音乐(人)”,或者“创作人都应该被鼓励”等理由,要求<br />
    所有人都变成耳聋或脑残,接受这样的音乐。<br />
    <br />
    oops!<br />
    <br />
    我用错词了。这样的东西,算“音乐”??对不起,我要收回这个词汇。不要以为任何可以听的<br />
    声音都叫“音乐”,因为噪音其实不算是音乐。<br />
    <br />
    也不要因为任何写出来的中文字,都叫词,因为幼稚园儿童如果写文章,并不会成为词。<br />
    <br />
    某隐性人要求版主自我检讨?我倒是认为,隐性人你是否应该自己做检讨,看看你是不是因为迷<br />
    恋某歌手,才这样维护他?<br />
    <br />
    听闻某歌手即将在三月份,再次出击,残害我们的耳朵,我还是建议他,有这么多钱自费录制专<br />
    辑,发行专辑,何不就捐给有需要的国人呢?又何必浪费这么多钱,还自费做广告、宣传,结果<br />
    版主回覆:(11/04/2010 02:56:42 AM)

  8. 反正他出专辑也没有人会管,所以咯,哪来的音乐。<br />
    XDDDDDD<br />
    <br />
    我要拿红包钱去买cheer chen的专辑!XD
    版主回覆:(11/04/2010 02:56:42 AM)

  9. 要能够收进专辑里的demo,必须得是一个有收进专辑里的水准的demo。<br />
    毕竟是卖给人听的。<br />
    没听过这张专辑的demo,不过最近听到了一首做得很好听的demo,是at17的over the <br />
    rainbow no. 2里的the moon。<br />
    版主回覆:(11/04/2010 02:56:43 AM)

  10. Vivo city的MJ Multimedia,看到這張原声带,從$11.90下到$6.90,是黏了一張<br />
    sticker放Clearance Sales $6.90. 有人會買嗎?<br />
    我乾脆買$22.90的楊丞琳 半熟宣言幸福新年慶功版。LOL.
    版主回覆:(11/04/2010 02:56:43 AM)

  11. 倒贴,可能也未必有人要捡回家。<br />
    <br />
    打两分,应该是给Olinda Cho的吧。她的声音本身就可以赚两分了。其他的。。。
    版主回覆:(11/04/2010 02:56:43 AM)

  12. Hi! Fresh man… Are you trying to use different tactics to cover<br />
    up for the so called “ Music Review” for OST. Hve you ever for<br />
    once given great comments on Hagen’s works. You are disappointed<br />
    with him? Why? Do you really know him? If not, try getting to<br />
    know him, criticize him in person then. Why write such harsh<br />
    reviews until it is being featured in the newspaper? What makes<br />
    you think he is not working hard when writing for the OST?<br />
    <br />
    Why not admit that you are somehow bias.Are you right? Did you<br />
    really take in considerations on how people involved in this OST<br />
    would feel when this review is out? Do you know how much hard<br />
    work they put in? Instead, you damped their spirits just like<br />
    that. Do you know how they would feel when you posted such<br />
    reviews? If your reviews on this OST is phased in a more<br />
    liberate way, people will not comment that u are bias, not being<br />
    a good reviewer and so on… The fact is, you are showing some<br />
    signs of jealousy towards Hagen. Ask yourself. Is it?
    版主回覆:(11/04/2010 02:56:43 AM)

  13. Hi! Fresh man… Are you trying to use different tactics to cover<br />
    up for the so called “ Music Review” for > OST. Hve you ever for<br />
    once given great comments on Hagen’s works. You are disappointed<br />
    with him? Why? Do you really know him? If not, try getting to<br />
    know him, criticize him in person then. Why write such harsh<br />
    reviews until it is being featured in the newspaper? What makes<br />
    you think he is not working hard when writing for the OST?<br />
    <br />
    Why not admit that you are somehow bias.Are you right? Did you<br />
    really take in considerations on how people involved in this OST<br />
    would feel when this review is out? Do you know how much hard<br />
    work they put in? Instead, you damped their spirits just like<br />
    that. Do you know how they would feel when you posted such<br />
    reviews? If your reviews on this OST is phased in a more<br />
    liberate way, people will not comment that u are bias, not being<br />
    a good reviewer and so on… The fact is, you are showing some<br />
    signs of jealousy towards Hagen. Ask yourself. Is it?
    版主回覆:(11/04/2010 02:56:43 AM)

  14. Why try so hard just to put someone down in this manner? No use<br />
    right? Gained anything? It is not a healthy thing to do. Btw<br />
    many do agreed that the songs are good. So this OST can consider<br />
    to be quite a success. Should you learn to be a nicer person,<br />
    learn to appreciate and learn to help people in better and<br />
    constructive ways instead of talking big.<br />
    <br />
    You can pick on Hagen, but you can’t bring him down, because<br />
    there are still lots of others supporting him. He writes from<br />
    his heart. Do you know? Perhaps you don’t. Do u know u are<br />
    killing his music in someway?
    版主回覆:(11/04/2010 02:56:43 AM)

  15. If someone close to you said such things to bring you down.<br />
    Would you be happy? You are not giving words of encouragement to<br />
    our own music people, instead bringing him down like that. It is<br />
    not about acceptance of criticisms or what.. It’s about the way<br />
    you wrote the reviews to mislead listeners. Have you consider<br />
    the damages done to him, his supporters or even his family? U<br />
    may feel that it is nothing. But who knows? Even if it is true<br />
    you are trying to help him or what but is this kind of approach<br />
    right? Bombarding him in this way when he’s helpless to fight<br />
    back? Instead have to take in the unjust remarks given to him.<br />
    Haiz. It’s sad. You try to think it over ok.
    版主回覆:(11/04/2010 02:56:43 AM)

  16. Btw about the OST, I’m sure it’s the management who has the<br />
    final say about which songs to use. If they didn’t like the<br />
    songs, they would have asked Hagen to amend them at all cost.<br />
    Even Qing Kang Lao Shi was being asked to amend his lyrics a few<br />
    times. This OST is done as a project by many outstanding music<br />
    people, so if you want to pinpoint, would you pinpoint everyone<br />
    involved in the OST? It is not fair just to pinpoint Hagen only.<br />
    We should judge it as a whole right?<br />
    <br />
    Sorry, If I offended you in anyway. I’m just voicing out my<br />
    views. Hope you can understand=)<br />
    <br />
    Anyway I believe Hagen will do his very best and I believe in<br />
    his music. All the best to Hagen and Singapore’s music=)
    版主回覆:(11/04/2010 02:56:43 AM)

  17. To give a word of fairness. This compilation isn't as bad as<br />
    what the review suggest. <br />
    Being in a production team before, I am able to understand the<br />
    constraints if one is only given 2 months. <br />
    Hagen Tan's demo by normal standards is already considered good. <br />
    <br />
    Just felt that the article is a tad too bias. <br />
    <br />
    Hagen Tan has been receiving alot of bad publicity ever since<br />
    his debut. Used to not like him till I became more aware of the<br />
    songs he wrote for other singers. I wonder if that's the power<br />
    of media to put people down. Afterall, what the the man do to<br />
    deserve all these?<br />
    <br />
    Check out the other link (esp posts by Taiwanese themselves):<br /><br />
    <br />
    We should encourage our local talents instead. It will look<br />
    kinda sad when the Taiwanese people are more encouraging towards<br />
    our local talents then ourselves…
    版主回覆:(11/04/2010 02:56:43 AM)

  18. Quoting some others from the other blog:<br />
    <br />
    Elizabeth Says: <br />
    January 29th, 2009 at 11:01 pm <br />
    <br />
    我覺得就像wenya 說的<br />
    “新加坡人在國外发展是我們新加坡人的骄傲”<br />
    我是台灣人<br />
    我不知道你是不是真的知道台灣在地的狀況<br />
    有沒有引爆一陣熱潮是台灣人最清楚吧<br />
    至少他在台灣也有一定的知名度<br />
    至少陳孟奇有走出新加坡有到台灣來讓更多人看見他<br />
    身為新加坡人為什麼還要拿這點來做文章<br />
    而且還要用反諷法嗎?<br />
    什麼叫做引爆一陣熱”嘲”???<br />
    樂評不就是應該要有理性和冷靜而且不能有偏頗的眼光來聽音樂嗎?<br />
    從他永遠都在的那張專輯的樂評到現在大喜事的樂評<br />
    我真的找不到客觀的地方<br />
    如果還要用這麼主觀的眼光去看事情<br />
    那就不要放到網路上<br />
    不要用自己的主觀意識去抹煞一個歌手…一個創作人的心血<br />
    這樣根本就有失身為樂評人的風範<br />
    太多地方根本就是人身攻擊!<br />
    每一張專輯一定都會有好或是不好的地方<br />
    有缺失就要去學習<br />
    能改進的就要改進<br />
    但也請不要用如此情緒性的字眼<br />
    版主回覆:(11/04/2010 02:56:43 AM)

  19. This one lagi power.<br />
    <br />
    無小妹 Says: <br />
    January 30th, 2009 at 8:11 pm <br />
    聽說大囍事這張專輯是是此生聽過最難聽的專輯..這樣聳動的標題引發了我的注意..看過所<br />
    有的文章之後..聽過專輯之後..我覺得並沒有那麼的糟糕..不論是詞或是曲..跟電影的情節<br />
    是match的..那為什麼還會有這麼多的負面消息不斷的出現..甚至連報紙都是按著<br />
    freshmusic的文章來報導的..這一點就真的讓人不禁聯想到報紙(記者)和你們是一伙的..<br />
    (因為只取你們所說的來報導而沒有取其他人的意見來報導)這樣就真的是有失其的公正和可<br />
    信度了..<br />
    至於說抄襲方大同的愛愛愛就有一點太過了..我是一個懂音樂的人..也曾為一些歌曲寫過<br />
    詞..基本上如果這樣就是抄襲的話…那真的是有說不出的多的歌曲是很相同的..那不都是抄<br />
    襲了嗎?相信你們應該也很清楚有那一些歌是很相像的..身為樂評人如果你們說不知道或是沒<br />
    有的話..那就真的是說謊了..而且以吳慶康老師的專業..如果陳孟奇是抄襲別人的歌的話..<br />
    我相信他應該也不會跟陳孟奇合作了..因為那樣會有損他的聲譽..不是嗎?<br />
    至於陳孟奇..我去查看了很多關於他的事情..他能夠讓台灣天后蔡依琳..潘偉柏..虞澄慶等<br />
    歌手唱他的歌..基本上應該是有他一定的水準的..也許不是最好但是也不至於被形容的這麼<br />
    糟糕才對..當然他也應該虛心的接受別人給的意見..但是不要有人身的攻擊..因為我經過查<br />
    證之後..發現只要是陳孟奇寫的歌..freshmusic所給的評語都是非常不好的..為什麼會是<br />
    這樣呢?<br />
    再回過頭來看..我們的愛那一首歌..馬來西亞女歌手真的是需要再訓練..因為她的音準真的<br />
    是不好..以我聽了之後..應該是做了不少的修飾..還有一點就是她唱歌沒有感情..聽起來就<br />
    是把歌唱完就好了..這樣的歌曲怎麼會好聽呢?真的是可惜了吳慶康老師的詞和陳孟奇的曲<br />
    版主回覆:(11/04/2010 02:56:43 AM)

  20. continued from prev post:<br />
    至於DEMO歌曲也收錄在原聲帶裡面..這的確是很少有的事..不知你們有沒有問過Crocodile<br />
    贊助商為什麼要這樣做..因為如果沒有問清楚而批評DEMO是如何的不好..這樣就有失公正..<br />
    因為我相信沒有人願意放DEMO在專輯裡的..因為那不是完整的東西..我相信陳孟奇應該也不<br />
    會那樣笨吧..因為知道那樣一定是會被批評的..<br />
    說真的創作本來就不是一件容易的事.. 講一句真心話..我們應該要為這些詞曲創作人加<br />
    油..給予他們肯定..讓他們應著大家的鼓勵而更加的努力..寫出好聽的歌給大家聽..<br />
    最後真的希望不要再有那麼多的負面報導和批評出來..大家都是新加坡人..沒有必要讓別人<br />
    版主回覆:(11/04/2010 02:56:43 AM)

  21. 以后新加坡人做的专辑或音乐,就根本不需要任何新加坡人来评了。<br />
    <br />
    反正,评不好的,大家就会说应该要支持,应该要鼓励,不可以抨击。<br />
    <br />
    in the first place,又何必要评?<br />
    <br />
    就让所有新加坡人,盲目的购买所有新加坡人出产的产品lor。<br />
    <br />
    可悲的这些人!<br />
    <br />
    只会要大家用“大爱”的方式,去接受粗糙品。<br />
    <br />
    一点也不能接受批评。<br />
    <br />
    看看他最近还有什么作品被外国歌手使用吧。<br />
    <br />
    就一首《马德里不思议》,就想大家接受?<br />
    <br />
    版主回覆:(11/04/2010 02:56:43 AM)

  22. MusicLover:“Do you really know him? If not, try getting to<br />
    know him, criticize him in person then. ”<br />
    <br />
    My response: "So do all music critics have to know all artistes in <br />
    person before being able to write reviews?"<br />
    <br />
    "After knowing him, they have to write GOOD reviews cos he is a GOOD <br />
    person??"<br />
    <br />
    They are commenting on the songs and the production of this OST.<br />
    <br />
    Not on this person!! What a lame basis for argument!
    版主回覆:(11/04/2010 02:56:43 AM)

  23. 为了一个陈孟奇,就闹个天翻地覆,何苦能? <br />
    <br />
    不否认他的作品有流行制度,但是否能得人心,又是另一回事情…现在的音乐只要会一点皮毛<br />
    就好象能登天一样…<br />
    <br />
    音乐人? 歌手? 还是跃跃欲试的新加坡的制作人? 有时侯是要听音乐的灵魂而定的. <br />
    <br />
    或许乐评者有带点偏见/偏激,但我也不认同陈孟奇的作品是多么的好. <br />
    <br />
    好的本地创作人我可以列出至少十位,而且他们的作品是很耐听和远近驰名的. 这方面陈孟奇<br />
    的创作还得多加磨练和时间的考验,呈现以后的精品,让人心服口服. <br />
    <br />
    版主回覆:(11/04/2010 02:56:44 AM)

  24. To makino<br />
    Ya. I agree with what you have said=)<br />
    Words of encouragements is very important to budding music people.
    版主回覆:(11/04/2010 02:56:44 AM)

  25. To Wei Qiang<br />
    <br />
    So you are saying that what you have been commenting all this<br />
    while for this topic is subjective???? Please hor, You are not<br />
    being subjective lor. Whatever you want to say, then continue to<br />
    do so. Who cares????
    版主回覆:(11/04/2010 02:56:44 AM)

  26. To Wei Qiang,<br />
    <br />
    Constructive criticism I'm sure people do take it in humility.<br />
    But when a supposedly fair review turns to be really skewed and<br />
    unjustifiable, there's a caused to question it. <br />
    <br />
    For this review, a score of 2 is simply not justifiable when in<br />
    fact unbiased listeners seem to like the songs. Not that the<br />
    album is FANTASTIC, but we are talking about fairness in judgment. <br />
    <br />
    It really occured to me that the author was all out to put Hagen<br />
    Tan down because of something he/she wrote. "还有,不好意思,这<br />
    张原声带另外值得一提的,就是成功地介绍了三位新人。他们的声音,摆<br />
    在合唱对手的旁边,都显得很出色。其中,Olinda Cho 的声音最令人印<br />
    象深刻。 "<br />
    <br />
    Many people, or infact all of the people whom heard the main<br />
    song told me the new female singer totally can't sing. So why<br />
    would this writer say that she is good? It makes people wonder<br />
    if media could be controlled to the likes of a Higher Management<br />
    that wants things that way. <br />
    <br />
    I'm not Hagen Tan's Fan.
    版主回覆:(11/04/2010 02:56:44 AM)

  27. I'm questioning the integrity of the review here. <br />
    <br />
    I was unbiased till some things stuck me. If I was the only one<br />
    feeling that way then perhaps it's just my personal opinion. But<br />
    many others voicing their displeasure is another sign than maybe<br />
    the general public also feels likewise. <br />
    <br />
    The most important thing too is that so far most people actually<br />
    like the songs. By that I mean at least a group of 50 people out<br />
    of 60.
    版主回覆:(11/04/2010 02:56:44 AM)

  28. My friends who hates him tell me they do not like the songs.<br />
    Only upon my insistence to really open up and listen impartially<br />
    did some of them changed their minds.<br />
    <br />
    At least 50% of my "Hagen Tan hater" friends told me that they<br />
    are actually honestly okay with the songs if they minus away<br />
    their personal "grudges" against him. And to them, this hate<br />
    sentiment seemed to have stemmed out from reading bad presses of<br />
    him before. People tend to take whatever a report says on the<br />
    face value. It is a scary tool, the thing we call media. It is<br />
    like you are given the sentence and it is your job to convince<br />
    people otherwise. Tough job… I'm glad I'm not Hagen Tan.
    版主回覆:(11/04/2010 02:56:44 AM)

  29. TO Weiqiang<br />
    <br />
    就一首《马德里不思议》,就想大家接受?<br />
    <br />
    Gd Song Jus Need A Few.. <br />
    one《马德里不思议》is enuf to make hagen popular in taiwan..<br />
    actually hagen is talented, but jus no opportunities to let him<br />
    go to taiwan..<br />
    and pls lor, <br />
    u think 马德里不思议 very easy to compose?<br />
    compose one if u can..<br />
    coz i know u cant..
    版主回覆:(11/04/2010 02:56:44 AM)

  30. To weiqiang<br />
    <br />
    He got other songs sold to overseas singers ok. U go check it<br />
    out urself=) You are not updated leh…still staying at one<br />
    song…<<马德里不思议>>. Btw I'm not Hagen's fans too. I'm<br />
    speaking up for unjust matter=)
    版主回覆:(11/04/2010 02:56:44 AM)

  31. Now is Mr. Peter's turn to comment on the OST. The next one whether <br />
    agree or disagree with my rating on the OST I will not tag anymore in <br />
    this section because TING GE IS JIAN REN JIAN ZHI DE, okie? Thanks and <br />
    my attitude is hot-tempered, dun like to argue with others.
    版主回覆:(11/04/2010 02:56:44 AM)

  32. Now my turn to review (don't be surprised) cos<br />
    <br />
    SURPRISINGLY, this is a v nice OST, based on local musician standards. <br />
    Well, I may say that according to my opinion, this is another <br />
    successful OST in terms of production, just like the 881 and 12 Lotus <br />
    OST. If u had read the U-weekly magazine, well, I totally agree with <br />
    their review too. They gave the OST B+ that also made me want to buy <br />
    the OST and give it a listen. Wuo men de ai is a catchy tune, v LANG <br />
    LANG SHANG KOU and suitable for V's day. Hagen's singing technique and <br />
    compositions have improved from last time, that is, in terms of <br />
    maturity. Well, one of my most fav is Hagen's demo, wuo she bu de, v <br />
    NAI TING ballad. And also, another Hagen's solo, shuang xi, although <br />
    the music arrangement is a bit ZHONG GUO FENG plus R & B, but is a v <br />
    pop ballad song with many musical instruments such as erhu etc.
    版主回覆:(11/04/2010 02:56:44 AM)

  33. And HEN NAN DE Mr. Wu Qing Kang opened his "golden" voice to sing in <br />
    this OST. Another gd voice in the OST is Olivia Oho, will anticipate <br />
    for her new Mandarin album, maybe. Afterall, this OST did not <br />
    disappoint me and it is one of my MOST fav OST besides 881 and 12 <br />
    Lotus.<br />
    <br />
    Recommended- wuo men de ai, wuo she bu de, shuang xi, xi guan<br />
    <br />
    Rating- 8/10 (usually when I gave marks, not only the OST is nice, but <br />
    most importantly is if the singer has improved his or her singing <br />
    which hence add marks to the album; vice versa and of course deduct <br />
    marks if the singer's new album is not as nice as COMAPRED TO PREVIOUS <br />
    ALBUM)<br />
    <br />
    The end. Thank you for your patience. Have a nice day
    版主回覆:(11/04/2010 02:56:44 AM)

  34. 靠!剛到omy那裡繞一趟,才發現那裡的激烈留言簡直是多到讀不完~(也<br />
    留了言,嘿嘿,想多多少少為小番茄伸伸冤吧)<br />
    <br />
    反正這裡的人都早就習慣也蠻喜歡freshmusic的風格(所以才會兩年來都<br />
    不斷來遊覽嘛是不是),當初在讀這篇樂評時,根本沒作多大的感想,<br />
    (也沒預料到現在回引起這麽多的激烈反應),只是覺得這大概是一張不<br />
    怎麽值得注意的本地作品罷了。<br />
    <br />
    不過freshmusic你們也應該感到欣慰吧,好久沒這麽熱鬧了哦~ 哈哈,以<br />
    前你們在podcast裡駡人的時候不是也常常希望會有粉絲來砲轟一下嗎?<br />
    哈哈哈,看來陳孟奇比郭美美厲害很多哦~~~~ xDDDD<br />
    <br />
    小番茄加油!!不要因爲那些人的留言而削弱氣勢~ 覺得爛還是要敢敢罵<br />
    出來!這樣子的freshmusic才是大家(指的是忠實讀者們)所愛的<br />
    freshmusic嘛~ 永遠支持你們!(怎麽聼起來好肉麻啊,呵..自己用娃娃<br />
    音去想象一下啦 xD)
    版主回覆:(11/04/2010 02:56:45 AM)

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