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专辑乐评 : 神木与瞳 为你而活







黄美珍则继续符合期待,《爱链》是很适合她类型的Slow Rock.

专辑10首之后,还有2首Hidden Track,《法仔鼓》和Yuming 八家将的身份呼应,而《Se Ma Se Nay Ku》则为黄美珍原住民的血统打造。虽然只不过短短2分多钟,却成了专辑吸引力最大的歌曲,因为和演唱人有击撞出火花,印象分反而更高。期待下一张能收入完整版。

《不放》找来为戴爱玲写下不少金曲的Keith Stuart绝对是明智之举,没有选这首歌为前3波主打歌是有些可惜的,因为确实有潜力攻进KTV。




我请你听:《为你而活》,《理由》,《法仔鼓》,《Se Ma Se Nay Ku》,《不放》,《武装的蔷薇》


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  1. 很開心這麼快就能夠看到神木輿瞳“為你而活”專輯的樂評!<br />
    我覺得無論是林宥嘉還是神木輿瞳的專輯都各有千秋,畢竟兩組人馬走的風<br />
    格不一樣,公司也給他們很大的空間做一張屬於他們的專輯,通常新人的第<br />
    一張專輯公司都會有很多的市場考量,很少能按照歌手音樂的喜好去規劃專<br />
    輯的去向。就如freshmusic所說,一男一女雙主唱的樂團要如何分配如何<br />
    找到適合的歌曲真的不簡單,而且還要彼此都能夠展現各自的爆發力,真的<br />
    很考功夫,幸好公司很用心的在收歌在規劃,並沒有利用星光的人氣和買氣<br />
    草率發行專輯。<br />
    <br />
    雖然起初我也期待美珍能夠發行個人專輯,不過聽了這張專輯,我覺得<br />
    兩人的合作所插出的火花更加能夠激發出他們的潛力實力,這絕對是一張有<br />
    看頭有“聽頭”的專輯,我們也從中看到美珍和Yuming的進步和堅持。<br />
    <br />
    版主回覆:(11/04/2010 02:56:05 AM)

  2. 我比較喜歡宥嘉。畢竟搖滾還不是我最喜歡的音樂類型,雖然神木與<br />
    瞳這張專輯很不錯。<br />
    <br />
    我買了這張專輯,感覺是小成本制作。因為專輯封套和整個專輯包<br />
    裝,好像很省錢 (相比起其他專輯)<br />
    <br />
    版主回覆:(11/04/2010 02:56:05 AM)

  3. 謝謝你的樂評分享<br />
    我非常喜歡神木輿瞳這張專輯<br />
    雖然我本來是打從心底私心的希望能聽到一張屬於賴銘偉的個人專輯<br />
    但聽完這張專輯我對他們的組合是完全支持的<br />
    <br />
    當演唱風格細膩全面,時而深情時而高亢搖滾的賴銘偉<br />
    碰上獨特Rock嗓音,高音爆發力驚人的黃美珍<br />
    的確有擦撞出令人驚豔的火花,兩人搭配確實是相輔相成非常合諧<br />
    <br />
    專輯中的合唱曲男女配唱分配的很好,讓兩人都能展現發輝自己的特色<br />
    音色上也配合的很完美,兩人在合唱曲中各自部份都唱的很吸引人<br />
    少了那一方都會讓整首歌失色不少,兩人的組合也讓歌曲張力豐富很多<br />
    <br />
    而專輯中的獨唱曲也讓我們看到了他們不同於比賽中的進步<br />
    以往比賽中被歸為硬派的2人,在獨唱曲都軟了下來,表現出色<br />
    也證明了他們絕對擁有絕佳的獨唱能力<br />
    <br />
    但以神木與瞳出發,的確可以讓他們顯現完全有別市場的獨特性<br />
    這是張製作非常優秀的專輯,新人的專輯能做到如此真的不容易<br />
    版主回覆:(11/04/2010 02:56:05 AM)

  4. 我偏心 我喜歡林宥嘉多一點<br />
    但是我得說神木與瞳這張專輯是好聽的<br />
    今年的聽眾很有耳福<br />
    很久沒有在同一年 好聽的新聲音一起共襄盛舉<br />
    而且他們還用阿弟仔為製作人<br />
    版主回覆:(11/04/2010 02:56:05 AM)

  5. 虽然打从心底还是很有私心的希望能听到一张属于黄美珍的个人专辑<br />
    +1 I wholeheartedly agree with this statement.<br />
    It would be such a pity if Jane doesn't get to release her own<br />
    solo albums in the near future. IMHO, the <br />
    sales for this album would be even better if this <br />
    was a solo effort. It is blatantly apparent that Yuming's<br />
    popularity and fanbase numbers are nowhere even near Jane's.<br />
    But, I suppose we have to be satiated for now with this duo<br />
    setup. In the long run, it might actually turn out to be a<br />
    viable strategy to have Jane release solo albums and duo albums<br />
    consecutively. <br />
    <br />
    My favorites<br />
    《武裝的薔薇》- 簡直就是為美珍量身打造的主打歌!<br />
    《愛鍊》 – 誰說美珍柔軟不下來又沒感情的?!!<br />
    《Se-Ma-Se-Nay Ku》- Jane in her most natural elements<br />
    <br />
    《草戒指》 我反而沒那麼中意<br />
    <br />
    當初知道瞳的獨唱曲比神木少一首 <br />
    不免有點 ??? 的感覺<br />
    不過現在覺得沒關係<br />
    畢竟一首《愛鍊》就足以抵擋了<br />
    <br />
    Will freshmusic be attending any of Y2J's<br />
    events during the duo's promotion run in Singapore<br />
    from 11/11 – 11/16? No doubt it would be a fabulous <br />
    experience to watch the two of them perform live.
    版主回覆:(11/04/2010 02:56:20 AM)

  6. 会出席媒体见面会 ~~ <br />
    谢谢你的意见哦 ~~~
    版主回覆:(11/04/2010 02:56:20 AM)

  7. Oh ho! Then should I look forward to some exclusive<br />
    coverage entries from freshmusic in the coming days? <br />
    Now that would be a real treat ~~~
    版主回覆:(11/04/2010 02:56:20 AM)

  8. Recommended:- cao jie zhi, ai lian, li you, bu fang<br />
    <br />
    Rating: B<br />
    <br />
    Listen to album not enuf. Listen to them sing live is <br />
    版主回覆:(11/04/2010 02:56:32 AM)

  9. In response to #10 <br />
    <br />
    Hmm … judging from the tracks that you recommended, <br />
    it's quite apparent that you prefer songs more of the<br />
    ballad genre. <br />
    <br />
    I like this album precisely because it makes a clear statement<br />
    that this is a album geared towards the rock genre, be it<br />
    light/soft/slow/hard rock. Cao Jie Zhi (7)is actually one of my<br />
    least favorite tracks.<br />
    In my opinion, it's quite bland and pales in comparison to much<br />
    more memorable tracks like Wu Zhuang De Qiang Wei (2)Zhong Jie<br />
    (8) Mei Li (9) <br />
    Se-Ma-Se-Nay Ku (12).
    版主回覆:(11/04/2010 02:56:36 AM)

  10. to etude,<br />
    <br />
    same here. I like the album precisely is more geared <br />
    towards rock genre. Their 1st, 2nd and last two songs <br />
    are my favs too. <br />
    <br />
    But in Singapore, more acceptable is ballad genre <br />
    type, so understandable why many also like Cao Jie <br />
    Zhi instead. But have to commend their album is <br />
    pretty well produced. It would be better if their <br />
    image can be further improved.
    版主回覆:(11/04/2010 02:56:36 AM)

  11. trend:<br />
    <br />
    Exactly. If I wanted to listen to run-of-the-mill/KTV<br />
    ballads, I'd go for the ballad queens/kings/princesses/princes<br />
    albums. <br />
    Shen Mu Yu Tong definitely doesn't fit in that genre.<br />
    <br />
    I'm not sure what you mean by "it would be better if <br />
    their image can be further improved"?<br />
    Do you mean image as in physical appearance/fashion/style? I<br />
    think Meizhen's appearance is fine since she can look<br />
    cool/distant/rebellious/tough/charismatic/cute <br />
    depending on the occasion.<br />
    Plus she's stick-thin and super petite. Not to mention her<br />
    undeniable stage presence. <br />
    Yuming … ermmm … his looks … no comment … I don't think<br />
    he has control over his physical features … The only feasible<br />
    thing he can do is continue trimming his figure and keep it there.
    版主回覆:(11/04/2010 02:56:36 AM)

  12. eah, I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the album<br />
    production as well. Rather impressive for a debut album. The<br />
    production team did a good job in selecting songs for the album.<br />
    Before the release, I was kind of worried about how things would<br />
    turn out. Because … well, you know how Universal doesn't<br />
    exactly have a great track record when it comes to how they've<br />
    handled their artistes' albums in recent years. But I'm glad<br />
    that I was wrong.<br />
    Actually, Universal has done a decent job with selecting songs<br />
    for all the Xing Guang Season 2 alumni. Queen's album has 1 song<br />
    each from Chen Xiaoxia and Sandee Chen apart from the 8 songs<br />
    that she wrote. Liang Wenyin's album is certainly at least<br />
    several notches above the average standard. Not bad at all for<br />
    these freshman newbies in the record industry.<br />
    <br />
    But Universal's promotion tactics are another story altogether<br />
    … Just look at all the uproar caused by their contrasting<br />
    methods of promoting Queen vs. Liang Wenyin …
    版主回覆:(11/04/2010 02:56:36 AM)

  13. their image is pretty old-school rock feel (make them <br />
    look older than their actual age)…they can play <br />
    with contrasting colours, to vibrant up their music <br />
    feel. perhaps symbols like phoneix or something <br />
    representive of strength and resilient can make their <br />
    identity stand out. Because they are a unique band <br />
    themselves (one male and one lady rocker with a <br />
    band). As for yuming, ya he can be slimmer. haha. <br />
    <br />
    I don't know if you have read about my comments of <br />
    Universal at other threads in this site. Seems you <br />
    also agree that Universal's promotion tactics are <br />
    questionable/not able to be continuously effective. <br />
    <br />
    I also agree Universal has done a decent job with <br />
    selecting songs for all the Xing Guang Season 2 <br />
    alumni, but because of their not-so-strong/nor <br />
    impressive promotion tactics, it feels kinda wasted <br />
    for these group of talented musicians/singers.
    版主回覆:(11/04/2010 02:56:36 AM)

  14. I prefer Xing Guang ban part one. More competitive. <br />
    Xing Guang ban part 3 although the prog is nicer and <br />
    better than part 2, but part one is still the most <br />
    memorable. So Hua Yan should be given a credit too! <br />
    And they had also done a decent job in selecting the <br />
    songs for Xing Guang ban part one, especially Shi ren <br />
    版主回覆:(11/04/2010 02:56:36 AM)

  15. trend:<br />
    <br />
    Universal likely has the weakest foothold in the Taiwanese<br />
    market among The 4 International Big Record Companies (Warner,<br />
    Sony, EMI (what's it called now?).<br />
    Universal wields more influence in the industry in Hong Kong, I<br />
    would say. The PR department of Taiwan's Universal seriously<br />
    needs a makeover to stay competitive and get out of its current<br />
    slump.<br />
    Think about what big-name artistes Universal can currently boast<br />
    of. Jacky Cheung and Eason Chan.<br />
    Who else? Wilbur Pan? Da Mouth? Cherry Boom? <br />
    The Season 2 bunch reportedly all have 3-album contracts with<br />
    Universal. Let's hope that things will only look up from here.
    版主回覆:(11/04/2010 02:56:36 AM)

  16. I hate to admit it, but Warner's in-your-face, money-s**king<br />
    tactics seem to attract consumers. Huang Jinglun is practically<br />
    in the news every other day. Jam Hsiao is the news at least<br />
    twice or so every week when his promotion season should have<br />
    been over months ago. Exactly how many editions of a single<br />
    album for every artiste does Warner intend to release? Who's to<br />
    blame? Warner for continuously employing these manipulative<br />
    promotion tactics or frenzied fans/consumers for shelling out<br />
    the cash to feed this endless cycle? And how many more newbie<br />
    artistes does Warner intend to sign? One would think that the<br />
    company's saturated enough as is.
    版主回覆:(11/04/2010 02:56:36 AM)

  17. Peter:<br />
    <br />
    I have to disagree. Per my understanding, general consensus has<br />
    it that Season 2 is the most competitive out of all 4 seasons. I<br />
    concur with that standard opinion. Without a doubt, the most<br />
    well-known and recognized contestants hail from Season 1,<br />
    notably Aska Yang and Yoga Lin. In addition, few will disagree<br />
    with the opinion that the last 1/3 of Season 1 contains the most<br />
    exciting and memorable episodes spanning all 4 seasons. Season 1<br />
    brought about instant fame and popularity for its contestants<br />
    and the show in May 2007. Understandably so, Season 1 has been<br />
    elevated to legendary status in Xing Guang lore.
    版主回覆:(11/04/2010 02:56:37 AM)

  18. As a faithful follower of the show since Season 1,<br />
    I have to say that Season 2 is my favorite. It is rare that a<br />
    single season's contestants for any singing competition<br />
    encompasses such a varied group of talented individuals. Season<br />
    2 contestants are known for covering a broad range of musical<br />
    genres and giving exceptional performances in their specific<br />
    niches. In addition, the average standard of the Season 2<br />
    contestants is accepted to be the highest among all 4 seasons.
    版主回覆:(11/04/2010 02:56:37 AM)

  19. Etude:<br />
    <br />
    sometimes not necessary just good singing enable <br />
    people to register into their minds. But performing <br />
    songs that truly let people remembering them is a <br />
    feat itself (especially when there are many good <br />
    singers within each competition). Season 1 needless <br />
    to say elevated to legendary status in Xing Guang <br />
    lore, precisely it is first season, curiosity and the <br />
    fresh attachment is there. Season I peeps are also <br />
    more marketable, and their PK matches are also more <br />
    memorable/competitive. Just see the you-tube hits and <br />
    you will see the differences in popularity among all <br />
    版主回覆:(11/04/2010 02:56:37 AM)

  20. Etude:<br />
    <br />
    Season 2 is indeed more versatile (maybe general <br />
    vocally standard acceptable), not just pop music, we <br />
    see rocker, self-composing type, young age but not <br />
    too bad vocals. But their songs are 冷门 <br />
    compartively to season 1 and season 3. That's why not <br />
    so much news about them (which make people have less <br />
    impression about them). Not forgetting most of them <br />
    signed on to Universal…But I admire their album <br />
    song selections, although promotion is left desired.
    版主回覆:(11/04/2010 02:56:37 AM)

  21. Season 2 I look up on Liang wen yin. She has the best <br />
    voice, followed by Meizhen. Meizhen can sing power <br />
    rock songs, but her pronunciaion is not as clear as <br />
    Liang wen yin. Although both have gd voices, but I <br />
    feel Liang wen yin voice has a more sense of <br />
    uniqueness and transquility. Season 1 a lot of gd <br />
    ones, season 3 average but at least better than <br />
    season 2. Huang jing lun is one of them. But season 1 <br />
    songs more "leng men", season 2 are the rock fanz <br />
    type, like wei ru yun, less off Liang wen yin and wu <br />
    zhong ming. Then season 3 are the more ballad <br />
    types… But Season 1 still the best, can sing <br />
    various types of music, so that is what I mean <br />
    by "leng men"! Pei fu!
    版主回覆:(11/04/2010 02:56:38 AM)

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